Write the State Planning Commission to keep Waretown from being massively overdeveloped.
To: Anyone wanting to prevent massive overdevelopment of Waretown
From: Save Barnegat Bay
About: Please write concerning
“Town Center” Designation by the State Plan
The State Planning Commission’s Plan Implementation Committee is currently considering a proposed high density “Town Center” that would sprawl the length of Wells Mills Road (including most of the woods to the north), along Route 9, and along Old Main Street.
You can help prevent this overdevelopment by writing the Commission to express your point of view.
To express your desire to see the area along Route 532 kept undeveloped, to maintain Waretown’s rural character, and to offer other comments, please write:
NJ State Planning Commission
PO Box 204
Trenton, NJ 08625-0204
Or email Chairman Touhey at:
Or phone NJ State Planning Commission:
Read a November 28, 2001 Ocean County Observer Editorial on the Waretown Planning Center issue.
Read a further explanation on the proposed town center designation for Waretown.
Read about the “Greenbriar at Waretown” development south of Wells Mills Road that Save Barnegat Bay unsuccessfully contested in court.
Read Merce Ridgway’s opinion on overdevelopment in Waretown.