Barnegat Bay EcoCenter

To promote citizen-government-science conservation efforts in research, volunteerism, stewardship, partnerships, resiliency and education.

The EcoCenter is ideally situated in the heart of Toms River, where the land meets the Bay. This property is highly unique, containing mostly native species with a very healthy under-story. It is also home to the mouth of the Long Swamp Creek which feeds the Bay with fresh water. The property is open to the public and loved by the surrounding neighborhoods. It is used regularly by the public for dog walking and enjoyment as it has extensive foot trails and a white, sandy beach.

Save Barnegat Bay leverages the EcoCenter building and environmental assets of the Brown’s Woods Property to offer a wide range of environmental education programs focused on the restoration and protection of the state’s crown jewel – Barnegat Bay.

The EcoCenter is a partner and community gathering place for meetings, talks and exhibits, and public educational programs. The EcoCenter further strengthens Save Barnegat Bay’s commitment to education, conservation and environmental stewardship in the community. We work closely with community organizations and partners to host programs at the EcoCenter and in the broader community that advance our mission.


Barnegat Bay EcoCenter

Save Barnegat Bay’s place-based mission includes goals to:

  • Increase science literacy about the Bay
  • Provide more opportunities for volunteerism
  • Model Bay-friendly practices & behaviors
  • Create a new community gathering place while maintaining the Property
  • Provide a key opportunity to expand partnerships
  • Expand programs responsive to the needs of the community

Activities include, guided nature walks and talks, bird counts, clean-ups, environmental inventory, outdoor classroom areas, workshops, seminars, hands-on activities, demonstration gardens and low-impact landscaping, kayaking and boat based educational programming, water quality testing, strategically located educational kiosks and research. Additionally, there is opportunity for restoration in targeted areas on the property including removal of invasive species and planting of natives.

Save Barnegat Bay actively pursues partnerships, collaboration, grants and other funds to support the maintenance and use of the Property to its fullest potential as a community asset for education and engagement in the protection and restoration of Barnegat Bay and its ecosystem.

Outdoor Classroom


Toms River Waterfront


Community Science Water Quality Lab


Collaborative Spaces