Some of what’s happening at Save Barnegay Bay. Traders Cove; Brick marina rezoning; Bayville rezoning; Island Beach DVD video series; Volunteers needed at Island Beach Interpretive Center; Write Congress for Wildlife Refuge Funding; Movement on Money in Politics; SBB 2004 Calendar.
Save Barnegat Bay offers you these glimpses of the opportunities and challenges we have been meeting over the fall and winter.
Traders Cove Appeal is before Brick Council. Our battle against the proposed excessive condo/restaurant/marina complex at Traders Cove marina at the western foot of the Mantoloking Bridge involves appeals in two different forums. We have appealed the granting of a use variance by the Brick Township Zoning Board of Adjustment to the Township Council. The case will be argued by our attorney, Michele R. Donato. Because the area is listed as recreational open space in Brick’s Master Plan, and because the citizens of Brick indicated their strong preference for less extensive development in the last election, we believe our case is strong. Watch SBB’s website calendar for the date on which the appeal to Brick’s Council will be heard.
Traders Cove CAFRA Appeal. In concert with the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, SBB has also appealed the granting of a CAFRA (Coastal Area Facility Review Act) permit by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This case has statewide significance because the DEP failed to honor its regulations regarding “Category One” waters, which Governor McGreevey and DEP Commissioner Campbell have repeatedly declared to be protected by a non-degradation standard. A report submitted into the record by Steve Souza, Ph.D., of the firm of Princeton Hydro, on behalf of Save Barnegat Bay, indicates that the applicants stormwater submissions for the Traders Cove site do not meet the state’s standards.
Rezoning in Brick. In response to the Traders Cove controversy, the Township of Brick has passed on first reading a revised zoning ordinance that would not allow marinas along its fifty-three miles of waterfront to be redeveloped as residential housing. Save Barnegat Bay supports this step as the only practical way to keep Brick’s waterfront from eventually becoming massively developed, to the detriment of nature and of future generations. The Township Council’s second reading of this ordinance is currently scheduled for Tuesday, March 23.
Rezoning Bayville. The Bayville section of Berkeley Township is finally slated for rezoning to larger lot sizes. But the Planning Board is recommending a two year delay on implementation. Save Barnegat Bay strongly objects, as this will create an unprecedented rush to build. SBB urges the Council to enact immediate implementation.
Island Beach Video Series. Save Barnegat Bay, working with a bequest from the Estate of Jean S. Vogelson, is creating a series of short educational videos on Island Beach State Park. To date our volunteer director, George Chase, of Barnegat, has created three DVD’s. One instructs volunteers and potential volunteers how to plant dune grass for the Park’s spring dune protection planting. Two others extol the natural beauty of “Fall” and “Winter” at Island Beach. These DVD’s are being distributed to local cable channels and libraries. They may be viewed on our website or purchased for five dollars apiece by emailing SBB at [email protected].
Island Beach Volunteers Needed. Island Beach State Park is looking for more summer volunteers to staff the park Interpretive Center, which houses the Emily deCamp Herbarium. Professional training is provided. There is flexible scheduling, usually involving one morning every two weeks. Be part of Barnegat Bay this summer. Contact: Rosemary Mason at [email protected] or 609-971-8200, or get in touch with SBB. Other volunteer opportunities may be found on our website
Thursday, September 23
5:30 to 10 PM
at Crystal Point Yacht Club, Pt Pleasant
(former King’s Grant Inn)
A wonderful evening with lots of goods and services up for auction to benefit Save Barnegat Bay. SBB needs volunteers to help with: soliciting gifts, soliciting ads for journal, and day of event set-up. Phone 732-830-3600
ALERT – Wildlife Refuge Funding. Please write Congress to urge that our elected officials support maximum acquisition funding for expanding the Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. Last year Forsythe was overlooked for Land and Water Conservation funding, notwithstanding a backlog of properties under contract. Among those immediately available: Phase three of the Forked River Game Farm; 85 acres at Mystic Island off Radio Road in Little Egg Harbor; 20 acres south of Laurel Blvd and east of Route 9 in Lanoka Harbor.
Please write these members of Congress and urge them to work for at least three million dollars of funding for Fiscal 2005 for Forsythe acquisition:
Hon. James Saxton, US House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515
Hon. Chris Smith, US House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515
Hon Frank Lautenberg, US Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Hon. Jon Corzine, US Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Money in Politics Action Group. Save Barnegat Bay is spearheading an effort by Ocean County citizens to come together to discuss practical ways in which the influence of money in local politics can be reduced. This may not at first sound like an environmental issue, but it is: developer influence through campaign funding is a root cause of overdevelopment and its attendant environmental problems. Our efforts have inspired a major campaign in Dover Township to ban political contributions by anyone doing business with the town. Expenditure of SBB funds on this project is minimal. We meet on the first Thursday of every month. You are invited. Check our website for the location, or contact SBB to get involved, 732-830-3600.
Please continue your financial support of Save Barnegat Bay. Most of our efforts are costly. Your support keeps them going. Contributions are tax-deductible. Save Barnegat Bay, 906-B Grand Central Ave., Lavallette, NJ 08735.
Save Barnegat Bay’s 2004 Calendar:
Herring Point Cleanup
Saturday, March 27, from 9 to Noon
Lavallette Bay Beach Cleanup
Saturday, May 8, from 9 to Noon
Save Barnegat Bay Annual Meeting
Monday, June 28 @ 8 PM
At Lavallette First Aid Building
Second Annual Silent Art & Gift Auction
Thursday, September 23, from 5:30 to 10 PM
At Crystal Point Yacht Club, Pt. Pleasant
Reedy Creek Fall Cleanup
Saturday, November 6, from 9 to Noon