Search Results for: garden

Water Pimpernel Continue Reading

Water Pimpernel

This family Primulacea commonly called the Primrose family consists of 22 genera and 800 species of herbs and half-shrubs found chiefly in temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere and in tropical mountains.  Some members of the family are cultivated as garden and house ornamentals, including species of Primula and Cyclamen.   The name Primrose is from the Middle Englishprimerose, […]

Yellow Loosestrife Continue Reading

Yellow Loosestrife

This family Primulacea commonly called the Primrose family consists of 22 genera and 800 species of herbs and half-shrubs found chiefly in temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere and in tropical mountains.  Some members of the family are cultivated as garden and house ornamentals, including species of Primula and Cyclamen.   The name Primrose is from the Middle Englishprimerose, […]

Salt Marsh Hay Continue Reading

Salt Marsh Hay

Spartine is the Greek word for cord and refers to the stout stem of plants in the genus (Spartina). Salt Marsh Hay flourishes in marshes that irregularly flood with brackish water; thus, it is found on higher ground that Salt Marsh Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora).  Because of its nutritional value, it is an essential part of the salt […]

Green Foxtail Continue Reading

Green Foxtail

Green Foxtail is a weed of mostly temperate regions found in fields, gardens and waste places. The common name, Foxtail is from the tufts resembling the tail of a fox. In ancient times and continuing to today this plant family (Poaceae), commonly known as grasses, have stood between mankind and starvation.  For thousands of years grasses have provided […]

Nimble-Will Continue Reading


This family Poaceae is commonly called the grass family.  The genusMuhlenbergia is named for Gotthif Henry Ernest Muhlenberg, a distinguished American botanist, 1753-1815. The species scheiberi is named for Johann Daniel Christian von Schreber, 1739-1810. Nimble-Will is often a weed of lawns and gardens and is also found along roadsides and in thickets.

Carolina Lovegrass Continue Reading

Carolina Lovegrass

This family, Poaceae, is commonly called the grass family.  The genus Eragrostis is named for the Greek God of love, “Eros” and “agrostis”, a grass.  The species pectinacea means “comb-like” and refers to the arrangement of the seeds in the spike—they resemble the teeth of a comb. Carolina Lovegrass is a weed of dry open soil or gardens, waste areas, and railroad […]

Large Crabgrass Continue Reading

Large Crabgrass

The Poaceae family is commonly called the grass family.  The common name “Crabgrass” refers to the creeping manner in which these plants grow.  The genus Digitaria is from digitusmeaning “a finger” and refers to the slender, branched spikes on which the seeds grow. There are about 15 species of crabgrass (Digitaria) in the United States and approximately 60 species in the […]

Day Lily Continue Reading

Day Lily

This family (Liliaceae) commonly known as the Lily Family consists of 294 genera and 4,500 species of herbs and a few shrubs found mostly in temperate to tropical regions.  Lily in Latin is lilium and in Greek leirion and means “white”.   The name of this genus, Hemerocallis, is from the Greek herma meaning “a day” and callos meaning “beauty”.  This refers to the flower that opens for one […]

Trailing Wild Bean Continue Reading

Trailing Wild Bean

This family (Fabaceae) commonly called the Pea or Bean Family consists of 459 genera and 14,400 species of herbs, shrubs, vines and trees found in temperate, cold and tropical regions.  The family is of major economic importance, providing edible beans and peas for animals, ornamentals, and dyes. The fruit pod of Trailing Wild Bean resembles a garden […]

Milk Purslane Continue Reading

Milk Purslane

This large family (Euphorbiaceae) commonly called the Spurge Family consists of 321 genera and 7,950 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees found mostly in tropical and subtropical regions.  A family members (Hevea brasiliensis) supplies most of the world’s rubber. The family also includes poinsettia, castor bean, croton, Mexican jumping beans. Euphorbus was the Greek Physician of King […]