Why and how Tuckerton residents should oppose the sewer extension from Frog Pond Road to the Garden State Parkway. (SEE MAP)
October 2002
Re: Stopping the sewer extension out Route 539 to the Parkway.
Dear Tuckerton Resident,
The Tuckerton Borough Council has it within its power to prevent the extension of the sanitary sewer out Route 539 to the Garden State Parkway – notwithstanding the fact that the area lies within Little Egg Harbor Township. We need your help in getting the Tuckerton Council to stop it.
The ways in which sewering North Green Street will adversely affect the environment and your quality of life are many, and they are obvious: A sewer will open thousands of acres of natural land to massive overdevelopment. This will result in more polluting runoff into our creeks and into Barnegat Bay; loss of habitat for the traditional plants and animals of our area; and much more traffic on our roads.
If the area is developed with houses, the school tax and other taxes will likely go up; if it is developed commercially with large “box” stores, small local businesses will suffer greatly.
Certain businessmen and property owners in Little Egg Harbor may benefit if this project goes through, but where is the benefit to Tuckerton?
Fortunately, there is a way to stop this overdevelopment if the Tuckerton Mayor and Council step up to the challenge.
New Jersey’s Office of Smart Growth has written a letter indicating serious reservations about this sewer extension and the high density “Town Center” expansion that would accompany it. The state has in effect said that if Tuckerton objects, the sewer extension and “Town Center” expansion will not be permitted.
If you share our view that this sewer extension and high density “Town Center” expansion are inappropriate for North Green Street, it is important that you write or speak with your Mayor and Council and say so.
In August, Little Egg Harbor Mayor Brian Rumpf came to the Tuckerton Borough Council Meeting to promote this project. Rather than oppose it
outright, your Council indicated that they would have further discussions with Little Egg Harbor. While discussion between neighboring towns is always appropriate, we believe that it is time for Tuckerton’s governing body to definitively object to the extended sewer and “Town Center” expansion – before it is too late.
Please help by writing:
140 East Main Street
Tuckerton, NJ 08087
Please tell Mayor Moritz and the Council that you oppose both the extension of the sewer along North Green Street and the proposed “Town Center” expansion.
Please request that the Mayor and Council pass a resolution opposing both the sewer extension and the “Town Center” expansion, and that they forward this resolution to Little Egg Harbor Township, the State Planning Commission, and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
You can also help by taking the following steps:
1 – Write similar letters to (1) Office of Smart Growth, NJ Department of Community Affairs, P.O. Box 204, Trenton, NJ 08625-0204 and (2) Commissioner Brad Campbell, NJ DEP, P.O. Box 402, Trenton, NJ 08625-0402.
2 – Attend a Borough Council meeting on the first or third Monday of the month to express your objections in person.
3 – Attend our informal Rally and Public Information Session to stop the sewer extension at Pinelands Regional High School Auditorium at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, October 16. (See enclosed flyer.)
Only with your involvement can a portion of our traditional old time environment and quality of life be saved.
William deCamp Jr., President
Jennifer O’Reilly, Associate Executive Director
Save Barnegat Bay
SEE MAP of proposed sewer extension.