For the meeting of the Senate Environment Committee in the State House Annex, 1st Floor, Room 4. Please come if you are able. The Bay needs you. Monday, Dec. 14 @ 1 AM (Not 10 AM)
Directions to the State House:
Be careful about using GPS because it may take you to the front of the State House (State Street) where there is no parking. You want to go the rear of of the State House (the downhill side facing the river) where there is underground parking.
From the shore take I-195 West all the way to
Route 29 North.
Follow Route 29 North through a tunnel, and under U.S Route 1.
After after passing the Market Street exit, take the exit marked “Capitol Complex“; (Calhoun Street is too far.)
At the light at the bottom of the exit ramp you want to turn left but you have to effectuate that by means of a jughandle (careful: the jughandle looks like a parking lot)
Then you will see a police booth, where you can get directions for parking.
From the parking garage take the elevator up to the highest (main) floor, and ask for directions to the Senate Annex, 1st Floor, Committee Room 4.
(Note: We will be giving out stickers you can put on during the hearing that read: “Don’t Strain the Bay”.