Cell Tower Alternatives Must Be Explored

In 2002 Sprint sought variances for an intrusive 80 foot cell tower near the firehouse in Ocean Beach. Alternatives need to be explored in order to avoid a damaging precedent. You can help.

July 15, 2002

Dover Township Zoning Board of Adjustment
33 Washington Street
Toms River, NJ 08753

Dear Chairman,

It has come to our attention that Sprint has applied for variances to build an eighty foot monopole cell tower in Ocean Beach near the firehouse.

We ask that the Board grant no variances unless it has been demonstrated that the applicant has vigorously explored all possible alternatives.

Our concerns about this project include the following:

– This would be the first cell tower on the barrier strip not attached to another structure. As such it would likely set a precedent for numerous other cell towers. This could have an extremely detrimental aesthetic, environmental, and economic impact on our region.

– We believe that it is unreasonable to grant variances for a project that would be so intrusive toward an existing residential area, with which it is very much out of character. It would inevitably impair the value of the surrounding homes, which it would dwarf.

– Cell towers are known to pose a hazard to migratory birds.

– As an aesthetic detriment, the tower in its current proposed configuration would diminish the attractiveness of our area as a tourist destination, with a resulting adverse economic impact.

Save Barnegat Bay does appreciate the need for cell towers as a part of modern life. However, we consider the proposed height, width, and location of this proposal to be inappropriate and detrimental to the public good when compared with likely alternatives.

If this project must go forward, we urge that the applicant be required to explore placing it on an existing structure, which might allow it to be less wide and perhaps less tall. We urge also that it be required to have an aesthetic form, such as a flagpole.

The beauty of our area and the character of our neighborhoods is in your hands; we ask that the applicant be required to respect our environment and our neighborhoods by finding a less intrusive alternative.


Jennifer O’Reilly
Associate Executive Director
Save Barnegat Bay

William deCamp, Jr.
Save Barnegat Bay

cc: Michele Donato, Esq.


Dover Township presently has no cell tower ordinance!

Please write:

Mayor Carmine Inteso
33 Washington Street
Toms River, NJ 08753

Tell Mayor Inteso that Toms River should move into the 21st Century by passing a cell tower ordinance. Our neighborhoods are at risk.

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