Ciba-Geigy Community Speak-Out

Ciba-Geigy Community Speak-Out

The NJDEP just announced a Natural Resource Damages (NRD) settlement for the former Ciba-Geigy site, which could close the final chapter in its long and painful history.
The proposal calls for a park and nature center at the site with the current landowner retaining 255 acres for redevelopment. But is it safe? Is this justice for the damages?
No public participation hearings were hosted as part of these settlement discussions, and little-to-no scientific data was released to substantiate the safety of these plans. We demand a transparent record and full engagement of the community.
Now more than ever, we need to come together to demand justice for our community. We are hosting our own “speak-out” session to demand the attention of state-level leaders on this important issue.
Join us on Wednesday, January 25th from 6-9PM at Toms River North High School. This is your chance to express concerns, share your stories, and let your voice be heard before it’s too late.
Bring a friend & tell your neighbors, all ages welcome.

The event is finished.

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